Certificación: Neurotology

3050 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 1700, Houston, TX 77056

A neurotologist is an American Board of Otolaryngology-certified otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon who has been prepared by an ACGME-accredited subspecialty residency program (fellowship) to provide comprehensive medical and surgical care of patients with diseases and disorders that affect the temporal bone, lateral skull base and related structures of the head and neck.

The ABOto Neurotology Subcertification process consists of an oral examination. All candidates must successfully complete this examination in order to become certified. A certificate, which is valid for 10 years, is granted by the ABOto to a candidate who meets all requirements and satisfactorily passes this exam. All physicians subcertified in Neurotology must participate in the Maintenance of Certification process.

More than two years of education or training after high school required?
More than two years of work experience required?
Oral or Written Exam Required?
Renewal Required?
Every 10 Year(s)
Renew through Continuing Educational Units(CEU)?
Renew through Re-Examination?
Renew through Continuing Professional Development(CPD)?
Does applicant have choice of at least two options from above for renewal (CEU, CPD, or exam)?


La certificación correspondiente a una especialidad dentro de un reconocimiento de la ocupación. Por ejemplo, la enfermera y enfermera pediátrica Oncología especialidades están dentro de la campo de enfermería, de modo que la certificación La certificación de enfermería y Oncología Pediátrica de la enfermera se clasificarían como especialidad certificaciones.